Why Easton

Discover why Easton, Maryland is consistently ranked as one of the most desirable places to live in the US

Easton Demographics

Discover Why Businesses Choose Easton

This dynamic and diverse town is home to many innovative businesses that are leaders in their industries, thanks to solid community support and outstanding services. Emphasis on new commerce makes Easton an ideal place for companies who are ready to locate or expand.


One of Easton's most significant advantages is its Location.


Easton's Demographics include a strong work ethic and a commitment to quality.

Skilled Workforce

Easton's Skilled Workforce supports continued growth in the area.

Tax Rate

Easton's real property Tax Rate is the lowest in the State of Maryland.

Quality of Life

Easton's Quality of Life is continually ranked among the best communities in the United States.

Site Selection

The Economic Development Corp. is ready to help with Site Selection.

Transportation & Infrastructure

Residents work close to where they live with the current Transportation & Infrastructure.


Easton became the first municipality in the state to own all of its Utilities.

Town Level Support

More on Easton's Quality of Life

Easton is well-known for its broad appeal to young families, visitors, vacationers, and retirees. Its appeal is included in various "Best of" lists and publications. For more about the town History, Education, Healthcare, and Home & Communities, visit the Town website.

State Level Support

Main Street Maryland

The Main Street Maryland program strives to strengthen the economic potential of Maryland's traditional main streets and neighborhoods. The program provides designated communities with support for economic planning, marketing and promotion, training and education.

Business Support

Easton's Success Stories

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Our Amenities & How It Looks Like

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Personal Care
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Home Care
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Health Consultation
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Easton EDC

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